Decorating Harmon House
This is what has been happening at the Harmon House Events Center. Each year Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving we invite friend (worker bees) for two days of decorating the Events Center for the holidays. This year our friends Kathy Michael, Kim King, Tina Swisher Martin Flores , husband Clarence and myself spent a total of eighty seven hours preparing the Venue for the first open house of the season which was held on November 30, 2014. For the past six years after lighting the Pierce Family Christmas Star uptown in Kernersville The Pierce Family invites everyone to a reception at the Harmon House Events Center. We are always concerned we will not be ready but we did it again this year! (Thanks everyone) As you drive up Main Street, enjoy the holiday decoration and the beautiful "Blinky Lights" It is a Blessed Season-----Merry Christmas to all!!